Novinky o EBOLE

Ebola virus – možnost přenosu zvěřinou z Afriky – zpráva EFSA Epidemie eboly v Západní Africe. Rychlé zhodnocení rizika, sedmá aktualizace. Rapid Risk Assesment – Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa. Seventh update. 17.10.2014 Horečka Ebola – Informace pro cestující osoby. Ebola virus disease – Information for travellers

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Ebola – Notification for foreign students

Notification for foreign students upon coming from west Africa and Congo, from areas stricken by fevers caused by the EBOLA virus Some west African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria) and Kongo have currently announced Epidemics caused by the EBOLA virus . What is Ebola : a serious infectious illness that ends with the death of the patient in more than half the cases. How is it transmitted : It is transmitted through direct contact with blood or with other body fluids (such as urine, saliva) from people, dead or…

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